Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hallowe'en at the Sprightly household

I have been inspired to post about Hallowe'en by Apron Thrift Girl.

So I have been asking the girls what they want to be for Hallowe'en. Over time I have gotten several answers from Audy princess, pumpkin, and several times now ghost. I told her she stays with ghost and she seems ok with that. I have some white suit lining that I used in the decorations at our wedding so now I have a use for it. There will be a small amount of sewing to hem the fabric and keep the eyeholes from fraying. Soooo simple.

But Amelie. Amelie wants to be me. Yes my daughter wants to be her mother for Hallowe'en. I am excited so easy put her in a grown up looking outfit and through on her doll sling and a dolly. Add a few cloth grocery bags with play food in them and there you have it free Hallowe'en costume.

I guesss I should check with the Paula and see if a ghost would freak out her kiddos. Since we are going to their house to trick or treat and hang out.


Dave said...

Well, they say you should dress up as the scariest thing you can think of....

hee hee...

me`me said...

hmm who told you that?? Steven King???